Well, my landlady called to say that the apartment is ready (just needs more cleaning in the bathroom and awaiting the arrival of the fixed washer). I discussed it with my parents and we're going to move the majority of my stuff Tuesday, January 1. How exciting. I'll try to remember to get Mom to bring her camera along. If not I'll at least be able to post a picture of the living room where my webcam will pointed. I'll come back with my parents for chinese food and bowling with the Loewens and I'll spend Wednesday finishing off the packing and planning and move the rest of my stuff (including Veritas) on Thursday the 3rd. I'll notify the utilities and if they have to come over hopefully that day will be suitable for them. And that will leave me with Friday to access the school and finish planning my first week. I'll then use my weekend to plan some meals and relax before the start of the new school year.
Saturday, December 29
Wednesday, December 26
Merry Christmas!!
This Christmas saw the Loewens partying down in the fire hall. Quite a nice facility for us. Christmas Eve saw the Haskins out for supper and then to West Portal for their Christmas Eve service. We brought Grandma home with us and watched tv and went to bed. It's the first time I can remember not reading the full Christmas story - right from the angel talking to Mary all the way to the return from Egypt. In the morning we ended up waiting a little bit for my brother to drive over (he moved into the city during the summer). Santa got us lots and lots of little presents and some nice-sized cheques. After declining to return them for smaller sizes, we hung out until the dinner. A few people from each side of the family joined us for turkey.
I did go boxing day shopping, mostly because computer upgrades were at the top of my list and I wanted them last week. I got some ram, a new video card, and a web cam. Computer is running quite well now. I also picked up some DVDs, yoga pants, and some necessities. A mostly successful, but rather tiring day.
Now I'm going to be spending my time packing what I absolutely need for my move and planning out as much of January as I can. I'm excited to teach, but quite nervous, too.
I hope you all had a merry Christmas and that the new year finds you well. Until next time!
Posted by
4:39 PM
Wednesday, December 19
oh dear oh dear oh dear
Who in their right mind agrees to teach Grades 4-12, especially subjects they're not trained in? Well... wait a minute... I'm not in my right mind, but that's what I'm going to do. I am the newest teacher at H.Hardcastle school in Edam, SK (which is in the North Battleford area). I'll be doing some science, social, art, home ec (which is actually PAA now), and health. I'll be living seniors' housing. It's very tiny, but affordable and Veritas can come :) I'll be able to walk to school and this will be fabulous for my resume.
Posted by
8:09 PM
Friday, December 14
Well, my second interview is on Wednesday in Edam. Small town. 191 students in the school. I'll be getting experience with Grades 4-12. How's that for scary? There'll be science, home ec., social, art, and health. The principal sounds really nice. We had a good chat. The teacher is going on maternity leave and planned out her year so that some of the less desirable things (like sewing and sex ed) are done. She's hoping to have her baby before the end of Christmas break, so they really do need someone. I also spoke to a woman who has control of the low rental housing (silly me, just realized that I didn't ask how much) and she said that the school was really great. They have a place that they would have ready for me by the time I got there and I'll be taking a look after my interview. This is definitely going to take a lot of work, but it'll look good on my resume. Gives me lots of experience with the grades I like (especially since Grade 1 proved a little much for me).
Anywho, prayers appreciated. Even if I get the job I'll need prayers to survive it.
Posted by
11:39 AM
Monday, December 10
I gots me first pay stub today and, while I haven't checked yet, that usually means I got paid as well. Sadly that's only 40% of a day, but there'll be at least 2 full days on the next one.
I was with the same class as Friday, today. It's nice to get to learn their names and what they're like and how to deal with them. I really miss having my own classroom. I'll get there next year, though. I just need to get some experience and save up some money for moving :)
Posted by
6:17 PM
Friday, December 7
Grade One is a very tiring class. They got a little loud and they got a little out of hand. They didn't get to play bingo, but I thought they did quite well practising for their Christmas concert. They are an entertaining bunch and it was nice to get pictures from the girls. I was able to learn quite a few names by the end of the day - so that was very nice for me to know that I can. I survived another day of subbing with a smile on my face. I do hope there's more to come.
Posted by
5:53 PM
Thursday, December 6
Got another job for tomorrow, thank you Aunt Lori. I get the Grade 1's in Warman. I love how close it is - I might even walk. Hopefully this ushers in a new era of lots of days of teaching ;) This will also give me an idea of how suited I am to such a young grade. Please pray for a good day!
Posted by
12:21 PM
Thursday, November 29
I Survived!
My first time subbing is over and it went just fine. The Grade 8's were really loud. I even had to resort to having them put their heads on their desks! Yikes! Their teacher didn't really leave enough work and they all claimed they had no other homework so I didn't really have anything to give them. The Grade 9's were better - they got a new assignment. I had quite forgotten a lot about monomials, but I remember them now. It worked out. I did okay. I sure hope I get more work soon. I don't remember this age group being so small. Some of the girls showed me their assignment for health class - they had to write a letter to their future spouse saying what they wanted from and what they could bring to the relationship. Their letters were really quite grounded and woman-like. I was very impressed. I think it's a really cool assignment.
Posted by
3:43 PM
Wednesday, November 28
Excited and Nervous
I finally FINALLY got my first subbing call. Tomorrow I will be spending 2 hours with Grades 8 and 9 at Osler school. I'm definitely excited because this is what I want, but I'm also nervous because this is my very first subbing day (40% day, whatever). Jr. high certainly isn't my top pick and I hope they go easy on me. Yeah right! Will post again tomorrow.
Posted by
5:03 PM
Monday, November 5
That's really a misnomer as there isn't anything to update. I'm still waiting for the phone to ring (stupid 1800 numbers) and give me money. Still single (that one hurts the most), although I did meet a cute guy - who's taken (like all good men except my cousins and that's just wrong). I heard a good song by Jamie Slocum - By Your Side. I'm stilly applying for all kinds of teaching positions all over the province. Mostly I just feel like life is passing me by and I'm not sure how to board the train.
On the bright side - it's November and I've got Christmas music in my CD player :)
Posted by
6:14 PM
Friday, October 19
That was fast
My letter stating that I am officially on the sub list came today. Yay. I also got my stuff from the student loans service centre - so I should give those a look-see. If you know any teachers in the Prairie Spirit School Division please tell them to ask me to sub :)
Posted by
1:32 PM
Wednesday, October 17
So Much To Do
Well, my Saskatchewan teaching certificate FINALLY arrived so tomorrow I will be dropping off a copy at the division office. I have no idea how long it will take to get me on the list and then to start getting some working days, but at least it's happening. They also posted a temporary position at WES from Nov 13 to the end of the year - that would be fabulous. I am definitely planning on taking time with the package I send it. It will be awesome and they will hire me. I talked to my Alberta friend tonight and the superintendent out there denied the requests for additional teachers and even the request to just shuffle some students around within the school to ease the burden on the Grade 4's. Pretty crazy. I am so hoping and praying that I know something by the end of this month and that it will be positive and great.
I still have mountains of junque to go through. I'm deciding what I'll sell next garage sale season, what I would absolute NEED if moved tomorrow, what can wait, and what can go into storage. I want to get myself cleaned up and organized and ready for anything.
That is all. As usual, your prayers are appreciated.
Posted by
7:18 PM
Friday, October 12
My grandfather has left a wonderful legacy in his grandkids. We sang two songs at his funeral and I have heard from so many people how wonderful they thought it was. I know I will see Grandpa when I get to heaven and I am so thankful that the rest of my family will be there as well. We have the hope of an ultimate family reunion.
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
There in the ground His body lay
No guilt of life, no fear in death
Posted by
9:25 PM
Monday, October 1
Please Pray
I need to ask you all out there to pray with me. There might possibly be an opening at a friend's school that might possibly become a permanent position. My friend has already talked to her principal and they would be interested in me filling that position if they are given the money to open it. Unfortunately it would be in Alberta and that would mean having to change my car back over (again and the money it takes) as well as finding an apartment and all that entails. Definitely having my own classroom is something that I look forward to, but the cost involved in moving is something to consider as well - especially since my Saskatchewan teacher's certificate is about to come through and there's still the possibility of covering a mat leave in Dec/Jan to the end of the year. I am really struggling at home so it might be wise to go, but I just don't know how to make this decision or what God wants - He hasn't been clear with me of late. So please just pray for me and I'll keep you posted.
Posted by
9:08 PM
Thursday, September 27
Insert cry of frustration here
I have been feeling so low and rotten the last couple of weeks. Just waiting for my teaching certificate to come and validate my existence. If I can just get some classroom experience maybe I can get a full time job and stop hearing about what poor choices I make. Today I get a call from the division office saying that they still needed my teaching certificate. That reminded that 2 1/2 weeks is waay too long for it to come through - especially when my cheque has already been cashed. So I called Sask Learning today only to find that my letter of employment was NEVER sent. GAH! So I had to go over there today and wait for them to find my application and see what happened. It was simply never sent. So I should have been on the sub list like a week ago, but my division never did their part. I'm so upset. It just feels like everything I try to do gets ruined, delayed, or ends up where I never wanted it. I just want to go back to sleep and forget about the waking world.
Posted by
1:15 PM
Monday, September 10
Guess Who's Gonna Be a Sub?
I am! Woohoo! The HR guy called today and said they just needed a void cheque and then they could send a confirmation of employment letter to Saskatchewan Learning. Of course I brought that over right away and then made sure to mail the certification fee. As soon as that Professional 'A' certificate comes in I'm to bring a copy to the division office and then I'm on that sub list! One small step in the right direction. Hopefully I'll get a fair bit of experience and then a mat leave in Dec/Jan. That would be sweet. I'm just so thrilled to finally have a bit of good news for a change (other than the birth of a beautiful Ethan Andrew - congrats to Dan & Lynn).
Posted by
11:26 AM
Thursday, August 30
Well, today was the first day of classes... and I still don't have a teaching job. I went to the division office and she said that they're going through a pile of applications a foot thick. Guess I need someone to get mine bumped to the top. I did visit the vice principal at my old elementary school - he's fully supportive of me and will definitely give my name out, but I have to get on the sub list first. I have decided that sub list or no sub list I will hand in my two week's notice tomorrow. I do have faith that I will get on that list or get a contract, but either way my job blows. Half an hour after my shifts starts I just want a nice tall bottle of vodka (okay, maybe not everyday, but definitely the last few days). 6am sux!
I'm not sure where God is leading, but even if I don't have a real job during those two weeks while my parents are away - I have enough work in the house to keep me busy. Please keep on praying.
Posted by
2:52 PM
Wednesday, August 22
Went to CheryLyndon's wedding this weekend. CherylLynn looked sooo fine. What a hottie! Lucky lucky Lyndon. Was great to see a bunch of the family, though. We got in late Friday night, ate far too much, went to the Mennonite Museum in Steinbach, saw The Sound of Music (not as good as the movie), and of course went to the wedding and dance. My knees can't really handle such long drives anymore. Need stronger pain killers.
So this morning is was back to work at 6am. That's so tough. I barely slept last night and I was just exhausted and bored today. My job really is pretty boring. Every once in a while something interesting happens but even those start to become monotonous. I'm really excited for when I can quit. I just called the school division office to find out if I'm on the sub list for the fall, but I had to leave a voicemail and she should get back to me. Hopefully very soon...
Bah, phone isn't ringing. Will update once I know for sure.
Posted by
4:02 PM
Friday, August 3
Step One
Attract more cats... Yesterday some stray cat just ran up to me when I opened the door (at 5:30am) and of course I had to pet it, but then it wanted to come to work with me - even tried to get into the car. Tempting... but Veritas is the cat for me and Mom and Dad have forbidden more.
I dropped off my sub application at Prairie Spirit 206 today. Pray for me. I really want to get on the sub list so that I can get my foot in the door of this division and maybe get a mat leave that starts later in the year. I really want to teach and nothing else has panned out for me.
I cannot believe that I am working August 6 straight through to the 17th, but that is the price for booking days off for Cheryl Lynn's wedding; can't wait for that. I also can't wait for an end to 6am days, but I'm guessing that will go on at least until the end of August, unless God provides otherwise.
Posted by
5:42 PM
Monday, July 30
Day One
Kidding... mostly. Crazy cat lady is the back up plan.
Well, today I got my car licensed in Saskatchewan, got my driver's license switched over, and found that Sask Learning has cashed my cheque so I should be finding about certification shortly. The only thing left is the health card and then I will officially be a resident of Saskatchewan... again.
At the moment I am working at GCTCC Canada - basically I call people to help them get their credit back on track. When I get my letter stating that I am eligible for teacher certification I'll be submitting my application to sub within a half hour radius of my parents' home. I'm hoping to get lots of teaching hours and eventually a mat leave that starts later in the year. I want as much experience as possible to set me up for next year.
I've been attending West Portal and am trying to decide what I want to do in the fall. I'd love to be on the worship team, I know there's a need for youth workers, I'm not sure about Sunday School, and of course one needs a care group. I just don't want to do too much and burn myself out right away. So please pray that God gives me direction in that.
Veritas is the light of my life. She'll always be my first cat. She's crazier than I am. She missed my parents while they were away for Nate's funeral and so excited when they came back. Somehow, even in the midst of tears she is able to bring a smile to my face. She is very much my baby girl even though she outweighs and outsizes most babies I know. Seriously.
So I'm still feeling a little discouraged, but I'm getting used to my new hair cut (and managed to use the hair straightner successfully). I am praying that God will point out something to me soon, even if an army of cats is of certain interest to me. One month left until the new school year.
Posted by
5:25 PM