Sunday, October 23

Not Gone

Hey all. I'm not gone, just really tired. Working full time at the yucky job just drains me of energy. I still haven't heard about the sub list, but I did get my certification straightened out at the Ministry. I've also been working on rearranging my things, but now I find I need more space for storage ~sigh~.

Thursday, October 13

No Court

Apparently I'm supposed to get a different trial date via the mail. I'd really like to just get this whole thing over with already.

Tuesday, October 11


Sorry I keep slacking on the blog. I keep having to work a ton at the yucky job and there just doesn't seem to be any energy left to do anything. And there's so much to do: quilting, organizing, rearranging, cleaning, reading, playing, catching up on shows, and probably a whole lot of things that I've forgotten.

I applied for another job. It's always exciting to think about, but I know I don't have much chance and that disappoints me. Hopefully I'll manage to get in a call about my certification this week so that I have an idea of when I'll be on the sub list. I need to get started to build up my experience and such.

Tomorrow is my date in traffic court. This is truly terrifying: all the strangers, a new experience, and I just have no idea what the outcome will be. I'm just trying to prepare myself to accept whatever the judge says, even if it isn't in my favour.

Tuesday, October 4

Busy Busy

I don't really think I've been doing all that much but I feel like I'm really busy and have no time to do anything. I have to work extra days at the yucky job this week which sucks. I'm going to Edmonton for the weekend so that's awesome. Still waiting to be officially a teacher again. I'm considering going for my teacher-librarian. but we'll see - need more info.