Yesterday's meeting was pretty good. They went over some elements in unit planning and some really great technology integration stuff. It doesn't help me feel like I've got a grip on anything, though. My students don't think I'm a good teacher (one said so today) and I don't think I am either. There's just so much to do. I started and bam I was behind. Now that I've been here a month I'm a month behind. I knew it would be tough, but I didn't realize that Home Ec and Junior High (and even the elementary) would be this tough. Maybe I'm just not actually cut out for this field. I have good ideas, but no ability to carry anything through (or do any proper planning).
I just want to hide away and never come out.
Father's Day 2015
9 years ago
" My grace is sufficient for you"
" I can do ALL things through him who gives me strength"
Keep trusting and let God give you wisdom and strength to do your job well!
Praying for you
Aunt Ruth
Just one smile at a time, one kindness, one comment, one teachable moment, one lesson, one fact at a time Heather...Yup,I know how steep learning curves of first-time experiences are uphill challenges and extremely exhausting, been there! For today - choose not to let being behind, weariness or fear or___ paralyze all the teacher/teaching stuff God's packaged and is making available to you specifically for today. Perspective and approach for me actually shift and change when I remind myself that it's kinda cool to have Jesus teach with me/through me/for job for the day is to stay close to him, and somehow he helps me see, hear, listen, tell, prepare, organize, explain, teach, care...
Asking God to 'wink' at you and show you the personalized (_______)?don't know what it will be?...that He's sent your way for today.
Keep looking-out for the 'wink', be brave,
Sorry you're having a hard time Heather. Thinking and praying for you.
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