Thursday, September 29

No New Car

Brought the Mazda to Warman to show my dad and it was too loud when I hit 110. Since I'm hoping to do lots of subbing and that'll probably mean lots of highway time, I need a car that will please me there. I did test drive an '05 Focus hatchback that was a lot quieter. So I feel a little more knowledgeable and hopeful that I can find something with a better price and feel.

I am now anxiously awaiting my renewed teacher certificate since one of the teachers I talked to on Monday asked me to sub this week. I'm simply not allowed until the certificate is renewed. Ah well. Something to look forward to. Maybe next week. Just three days a week will let me quit at Prairie Meats. That doesn't sound like much, but we'll have to wait and see how it goes. ~fingers crossed~

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