Sunday, June 8

A Decision... for now

Well, I think I've decided that I'm not ready for this. Besides really not having the time to take such a long drive, my car desperately needs to see a mechanic before leaving the province. When I talk to the principal again I will let him know that if the other candidates don't work out then we could make schedule something for that first week in July when I could spend the week out there and really get to know the community before making my decision. Most of it sounds so wonderful, but it is so isolated. It's been an awful year and I'm only two hours from home. How much worse might it be when I'm 2 hours from a city where I don't know anyone? I will leave it in God's hands. Although, I hope his hands place me back at home for this year and maybe in Edmonton area next year.

1 comment:

Rosanna Toews said...

Sounds like you are going with your gut - and that sounds wise to me. Trusting God cares about all the details and that He is leading. Love you.