Friday, November 4


I'm on the sub list!!! A blog cannot contain my excitement!

I went to the elementary school this afternoon to volunteer in whatever way I could help in the library. I chatted with the librarian, she raved about the Teacher-Librarian program at the U of A, and then she realized she needed a sub so we checked the list and I was on it so she booked me!!!

Add to that, I'm making fabulous progress on a quilt I actually plan to put on my bed asap. I just need to go back for some more fabric. There's some massive fabric sales on this weekend and I am just stoked to blow some (hopefully not too much) money on new project ideas.

I cannot remember a time when I've been this happy and expected it to last. I am feeling God's blessing right now. Sometimes I need the reminder that God is good ALL the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! That is wonderful Heather!!!!! So excited for you and wish we could do something together to celebrate. Way to preserver girl!