Wednesday, November 23

Another School

Visited another library this afternoon. I reshelved some non-fiction and then spent the rest of the afternoon pulling Christmas books so that they could be displayed together. I had a nice chat with the librarian there and got an idea that may or may not help in getting my masters - needs a lot more thought and fleshing out and research and all that good academic stuff. I gave her one of my new business cards that I made and she said she'd add it to the business cards posted in the staff room. I have a few more libraries to visit, but my goal is to do that by the end of January. I'm thinking that I will quit the yucky job before Christmas so that I can have Christmas holidays and then I'll make sure that I'm in the schools four days a week, even if a good chunk of them are volunteer days - eventually I'll be people's first sub choice (the librarians anyway).

And great news - I finished my quilt top!! I may need to add a border to get the sizing right, but that's easy compared to everything else I did. I'm very pleased with how it looks.

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