Sunday, March 30

Back in the Boonies

The next 3 months are going to seem really long. I want to try to be positive and do more than just survive. I find it really hard to find things to be thankful for. Loneliness is hard to see past. But I'm going to give it a try. I've decided that this year is already a write off and I'm simply going to experiment for myself. The kids will catch up next year or will find that it didn't matter anyway. I still have a tonne of work that I put off and put off (that's what denial does to you). Hopefully, I'll get through that and not completely waste my students' time. At least now I know that I'm not meant to teach Junior or Senior High. I am an elementary generalist through and through. I also know that I don't like to be very far from shopping ;) even online shopping doesn't replace spending two hours to browse through a mall. I didn't even have to buy anything to enjoy myself. I'm definitely hoping for Edmonton next year - or back home, but I'll settle for Calgary or near other friends.

Please pray that I find simple joys and can bring a positive attitude to school. And also for a single grade classroom in Edmonton or Warman areas, preferably in a Christian school.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I remember someone telling me something when I was very fustrated with the situation at work "You may be the only Jesus these kids see, let him shine through you", that's my prayer for you.
Auth Ruth