Friday, March 7

Another Week Gone By

Well, I have now officially survived 2 months out in the middle of nowhere teaching what I wasn't trained for. In reflection, I have more days where I wish I would never have taken this job than days I'm glad my resume has something more on it. I don't know what it would take to make it better - other than getting my own classroom in a grade I'm prepared for. Even the Grade 12s were bad today. Usually they are fairly understanding, but today they were mad 'cuz they were making a simple cake that they're going to decorate on Tuesday. I could have just given them pieces of cardboard to decorate. Ah well, c'est la vie. I've got lots of work to keep me busy this weekend, but I plan on sleeping late tomorrow. I can't seem to get up during the week and I'm not sure if I've created some sleep debt or if it's just my body reacting to the stress. Guess we'll see if this helps.

For now, I'm not at the school and I'm content. I'll be even happier to go home next weekend and the following weekend (which will be the start of Easter Break!). Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. They are greatly appreciated.

Oh yeah - the weather has taken a beautiful turn. It was cold yesterday, but apparently it's +3 outside and supposed to stay around 0 all week! I'm definitely thankful for that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got the day off tomorrow, would love to come be your TA for a day -send me a note at ok?
Cheering for you - A.Ellie